Cloudwalk won the first prize in the National Artificial Intelligence Challenge with its Person Re-ID technology

After 3 months of fierce competition, the first National Artificial Intelligence Challenge with a bonus pool of 5.36 million yuan and 4253 professional players from 3017 teams in more than 10 countries and regions came to an end on January 18.

The Institute of Science and Technology of Cloudwalk won the grand award as the champion of the Person Re-ID group!

Cloudwalk won the first prize in the National Artificial Intelligence Challenge (awarded with 1 million yuan)

In 2018 and 2019, Cloudwalk refreshed world record twice on Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID and CUHK03, surpassing enterprises and scientific research institutions such as Alibaba, Tencent, Microsoft and Institute of Automation, CAS.

Currently, this technology has been extensively applied to AI governance, AI business and AI transportation.


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